CopBlock.org | The unwarranted aggression committed by police employees is so widespread, you don’t need to analyze mountains of statistics to see a pattern. In the discontent voiced in online forums and the street, you sometimes hear calls for revolution.

ThunderboltsProject.info | That singular moment, in your mind, when your worldview is fundamentally altered as to begin to function within the new borders of what we understand to be reality is called a ‘Paradigm Shift’. It’s also can form a type of cognitive dissonance that prevents two people from seeing things from another’s point of view. In this case it’s not ideological, like it is in most situations, say, between two rival nations, or people from different faiths. Whereas one is often a matter of interpretation, this is not. This is coming to completely different understanding of the basic nature of the universe. It is called a paradigm shift because it does not go back. You shift, or you don’t. You cannot be halfway, and there is not much of a middle ground.

NotBeingGoverned.com | I’ve extensively researched the history of wars all over the world dating back 150 years and found that every soldier who fought and died for the “freedom of the American people” died for a goddamn LIE. There was has not been a REAL CREDIBLE threat to the American people themselves since the Civil War. ALL of the wars since then were fought to gain dominance over other parts of the world and/or to protect/expand the international assets of RICH Americans who also strip freedoms away from our own American people for control and profits. The spoils of all the wars for the past 150 years PROVE that.

HumanIterations.net | In order to understand the sense behind those silly busted windows it’s important that you look beyond your personal reaction, indeed you should probably even look beyond the reactions of most of the people you know. We’re conditioned to assume that winning over a majority is the very definition of success, but in many cases that’s not true at all. Sure, when you’re trying to impose your will upon others it helps to have a ton of support, but when you’re only out to resist it doesn’t take much to make yourselves ungovernable.

NotBeingGoverned.com | The fuzziness problem becomes even more troublesome as we move into words of a more abstract nature, such as we find in the United States Constitution. This instrument of allegedly “limited powers” contains a preamble that defines its purposes as the creation of “a more perfect Union,” which will “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty.” The specific grants of power to Congress are then spelled out in Article I, which include, among others, the “Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.” How do such words limit governmental power? What more would any tyrant need to justify his actions than these?