| That singular moment, in your mind, when your worldview is fundamentally altered as to begin to function within the new borders of what we understand to be reality is called a ‘Paradigm Shift’. It’s also can form a type of cognitive dissonance that prevents two people from seeing things from another’s point of view. In this case it’s not ideological, like it is in most situations, say, between two rival nations, or people from different faiths. Whereas one is often a matter of interpretation, this is not. This is coming to completely different understanding of the basic nature of the universe. It is called a paradigm shift because it does not go back. You shift, or you don’t. You cannot be halfway, and there is not much of a middle ground.

An example of this we all learned as children is the Ptolemaic model of the solar system, invented by over 2000 years ago by a Greek scientist named Ptolemy. Ptolemy used all his observations to describe the cosmos of his day. His day was Ancient Greece.

On the whole, it was a fair assessment of the solar system, given the point of view of the people on earth at the time, and it worked mathematically and predictably. He envisioned all we observe around us is the result of the earth being the center of the universe and everything that moved was on spinning crystal spheres. The stars were pinholes in a furthest crystal sphere, and some crystal spheres rotated around and carried one or two Planets on them. The Earth being in the middle, the sun and moon orbited closest to the Earth. They put spheres within spheres to accurately and mathematically predict the movements of all the celestial bodies. Although, not actually defining and describing reality, it worked mathematically. It also worked within their set of prior assumptions about the universe and its clockwork ways. So, like that system, you can see its naivete and you smile a bit, but you know it’s completely wrong. I mean the big glaring problem is…

The earth orbits the sun. Read Entire article

By Neil Thompson