PeaceFreedomProsperity.com | “Today I received a message which expressed a very familiar sentiment I hear often. The “punchline” was this: “I am ready to give up on politics, but also scared to.” As I’ve explained before, the “political process” is DESIGNED to: 1) use up the time, effort and money of good people; 2) accomplish nothing for those people, and; 3) eventually give those people the impression that resistance is futile, that this is just how things are, and that they should give up and go with the flow.

Liberution | Is humanity ready for the message of liberty. Or perhaps, there are too many who are still stuck in the cycles of abuse and violence of the past. Who are unable to see reason and logic. who are unable to get past the paradigm of statism. Who will go to their graves, and never get this message.