KentForLiberty.com | Every time a cop pins one of those metal trinkets on his chest, he is aligning himself with the State and against you. It's no different than when Nazis wore swastikas to show where their allegiance lay. A badge is the moral and ethical equivalent of a swastika.

"The truth is, we have a story worth talking about. We have a history worth celebrating. Long before the first Europeans arrived here, there were some 500 nations already in North America. They blanketed the continent from coast to coast, from Central America to the Arctic. There were tens of millions of people here, speaking over 300 languages. Many of them lived in beautiful cities, among the largest and most advanced in the world. In the coming hours, 500 Nations looks back on those ancient cultures, how they lived, and how many survived.... What you're about to see is what happened. It's not all that happened, and it's not always pleasant. We can't change that. We can't turn back the clock. But we can open our eyes and give the first nations of this land the recognition and respect they deserve: their rightful place in the history of the world."

KentForLiberty.com | Any time a politician, a LEO, or a copsucking organization qualifies something they say by prefixing it with "law-abiding"- and especially when they add "citizen"- you know they are lying. The term is utterly without meaning.

NCC-1776.org | Recently, I heard a politician mention that "America is a nation of laws". When I hear that phrase, I understand that the speaker has no moral compass at all. Every nation, by definition, is "a nation of laws". Germany was in the 1930s, the Soviet Union was during all of its existence, and America is today. Big deal. The problem arises when most, or even any, of those "laws" are counterfeit. This is the state America finds itself in today: a state of "law pollution". It is easy to shrug and say "enforce the laws we have instead of passing more". That is the normal "conservative" cop-out. The real patriot will say to stop enforcing the "laws" that are aimed at regulating something other than actual force or fraud; you know, the counterfeit ones. Then the amoral state-worshipper will whine: "If you don't enforce one law, where will it end? Which law will you stop enforcing tomorrow?" How about all the ones which are counterfeit? Who, other than a control-freak, could have a problem with that?

KentForLiberty.com | That you have to break "laws" to do the right thing says nothing bad about you, but exposes those idiots and evil monsters who are responsible for all the "laws"- and those evil monsters who enforce them.