MediaSanctuary | The Case of Leslie James Pickering, the Earth Liberation Front Press Office & Burning Books.

CopBlock.org | While it’s both easy and useful to point to police abuse and condemn it, often people give little thought to WHY it happens. It’s easy enough–and often accurate–to simply say, “That cop is a power-happy thug,” and leave it at that. But in reality, there is a lot more to it. To better understand how to stop it, we must better understand why it happens. And to better understand that, we must try to get into the mind of the jackboot, to see the world as he sees it. Let us observe the creature in action, and see if we can get inside its head.

SchoolSucksPodcast | Where did the American school system come from? And what are its true purposes?

NoGov4Me.net | “A diabolical, irreverent, and even arrogant indictment of the mass delusion, democracy, and the blind faith in any other form of government. From now on, nonvoters have at their command an authoritative, logical retort to the hackneyed (but effective) propaganda, ‘If you don't vote, you can't complain!’ ”

OctogenariansBlog | If you decide to vote, you are not voting for freedom versus Bondage, but rather which candidate you prefer to sit in the seat of power over your life and property, to take, rake and rule, in a system already in control. To still believe at this stage that there’s any significant difference in a Democrat or Republican, aside from degree, is a fool’s paradise thinking.