Voluntaryist.com | I recently had a short conversation with a friend about the meaning of the stealing commandment, “Thou shall not steal.” His attitude was “If you owe the taxes, then the government can’t be stealing from you when they collect it.” However, he did recognize that if you don’t owe it, then it is stealing when the government comes after you with all its might. So, do you really owe the tax money or not? Are you stealing from the government when you refuse to pay? Or is the I.R.S. stealing from you because you never agreed to pay what they claim you owe? It has got to be one or the other. Which is it?

C4SS.org | The plain truth is that many people don’t see the violence they support as violence. Incarceration, though clearly carried out and enforced through violence, is not often discussed as a form of violence in our society. Nor is arrest, though it would be kidnapping if a private citizen carried it out. In most discourse, violence is shrouded in euphemism, to soften its harsh and brutal reality.

CNJOnline.com | Almost all areas of political contention are invented and imaginary. Those areas of life shouldn’t be subjected to laws, majority opinion, or anyone’s control.

NotBeingGoverned.com | Anarchy! It just might be the most feared and bastardized term in the English language. People have some extremely vivid imagery in their heads associated with the word “anarchy”, but at the same time become overwhelmed with confusion once getting two sentences deep into a conversation about abolishing government. In fact it is actually extremely rare for serious discussions on this topic to take form, due to the knee jerk reactions that are provoked in people when they are faced with the possibility of a world without authority.

FEE.org | What do you think of someone who espouses the principle of nonaggression but lives off the fruits of aggression? How moral is it to oppose political power while benefiting from political power? Is it contradictory to write, lecture, and actively protest government intervention while at the same time making an income from the taxes other people pay?