EricPetersAutos.com | Because there are few – if any – checks and balances on cops. Much less in the way of legal constraints – or consequences. Even in cases of egregious, indefensible conduct. Hence, they are in a very real sense encouraged to engage in egregious, indefensible conduct.

C4SS.org | If you put all your hope for social change in legal reform … then … you will find yourself outmaneuvered at every turn by those who have the deepest pockets and the best media access and the tightest connections. There is no hope for turning this system against them; because, after all, the system was made for them and the system was made by them. Reformist political campaigns inevitably turn out to suck a lot of time and money into the politics—with just about none of the reform coming out on the other end.

FFF.org | If the U.S. national-security state had won the Vietnam War, we all know what they would be teaching children today in America’s public (i.e., government) schools. They would be saying, “If the United States had not intervened in Vietnam, we would all be speaking Vietnamese today.” After all, isn’t that what they say about FDR’s decision to involve America in World War II—“If the United States hadn’t intervened in World War II, we would all be speaking German today”?

TheAnarchistAlternative.info | Today the motive for dishonesty is strong and the pervasive example of government is powerful; the entire society is riddled with theft, fraud and compulsion from top down. For example for the 12 most formative years of life one is compelled to sit still in an institution funded 100% by massive theft, and be taught by teachers whose Unions systematically press for even greater theft. One "graduates" only after jumping through hoops set by social engineers, determined to press their vision for society upon each rising generation by the force of law. One obtains "higher" "education" only if one conforms to what is politically correct and, in some cases, only if one had the wisdom to be born within a certain race.

NotBeingGoverned.com | As an anarchist I don’t enjoy the monopolies of war and justice. Never have, never will. It’s something I’ve never understood. How the many can let the fear riddled by protectionism rule their lives. They let it plunder their livelihood.