VivienKellems.org | My action in breaking the law forcing employers to collect withholding taxes from their employees was the culmination of long pent-up resentment at Federal usurpation of the taxing power, rebellion against the destruction of the Federal Tax System, so carefully designed and perfected by the brilliant men who wrote our Constitution, and realization that something must be done to make the people understand the ultimate end of the primrose tax path we are treading. The announcement of my intention to break the law was made in a speech before the Los Angeles Rotary Club, on February 13, 1948, and the first time this tax money was left in our employees’ pay envelopes was on the following Friday, February 20, 1948. However, due to the reluctance of the Federal Government to face the issue, it was not until January 23, 1951, three years, eleven months, and seventeen days later that I finally sat on the witness stand in the Federal District Court, in New Haven, Connecticut, and heard my lawyer, Frank McGuire , say: “Miss Kellems, will you read Exhibit A?”

The life of Jack Herer and his struggle for awareness and enlightenment of cannabis sativa, a.k.a. marijuana or hemp. His research into this plant culminates in his writing The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Official Hemp Bible. He has dedicated his life to educating people about the history and many utilizations of hemp, the conspiracy against it, and ending marijuana prohibition.

For three days in 1971, former US soldiers who were in Vietnam testify in Detroit about their war experiences. Nearly 30 speak, describing atrocities personally committed or witnessed, telling of inaccurate body counts, and recounting the process of destroying a village. The atrocities are casual, seem routine, and are sanctioned or committed by officers. Images from the war illustrate the testimony; there's a side discussion among veterans about racism and a couple of interviews about the soldiers' self-realization. The testimony appears in the US Congressional Record on April 6 and 7, 1971.

CompleteLiberty | The voting process allows for a psychological comfort zone to exist within the turmoil of the reality of people's statist enslavement; it can be perversely comforting to be a member of the tribe.

TokeOfTheTown | Remember as kids, we were taught that one of the worst things about totalitarian regimes was their propensity to get children to snitch out their parents? Well, welcome to the U.S.S.A.