FreeKeene | Why and how does the government work? I ask myself this question regularly. I think I found part of the answer today, but I don't care much for the outcome. First, let me start with a story that I heard earlier to use as a base example for my next thoughts.

Encuentrocinco | Ross Caputi, an ex-Marine and an Iraq war veteran involved in the siege of Fallujah, now a co-founder of the Justice for Fallujah Project, speaks about his motivation to join the Marines and his experiences in the war.

Strike-The-Root | The nature of lions is to kill, and so it is good that they kill because that ensures lion survival. If an individual lion loses his teeth, that is bad because he can no longer fend for himself. If all lions were to lose their teeth, that would be the end of lions.

MarcStevens.net | This is the first call I've made to resolve a local extortion problem. My friend Marciano is being threatened with an attack for not paying the local tribute. This tends to really upset tyrants because they crave obedience. Instead of just paying like a good obedient serf, Marciano decided to challenge the allegations being made against him. Don't forget, without the political PR, taxation is the forcible taking of property; government means never asking for permission.

Strike-The-Root.com | Apathy is one of the most commonly derided dispositions that an individual can possess. We are constantly inundated with pleas to “get involved” by friends, colleagues, teachers, politicians, and pundits. These pleas come from people of all political persuasions: liberals, conservatives, moderates, greens, socialists, and libertarians. Are there any compelling reasons to engage in political activism? Does political activism ever produce desirable results? Are the people who are entirely apathetic about politics more rational than the people who spend large portions of their lives attending rallies, watching cable news, and writing letters to their representatives?