Marc Stevens | Below is a video about a tool I’ve been using for years and it has proven to be very effective. With the unsigned plea of guilty you’ll be able to get judges to commit three major fundamental fairness/due process violations at an arraignment in less than three minutes (this does not mean a ticket will always get kicked). This is evidence the courts are run by criminals. We can predict their behavior and replicate results regardless of political boundaries. A template is available for download here. Please make sure you edit it appropriately if you intend on using it.

ACLU.org | Life in prison without a chance of parole is, short of execution, the harshest imaginable punishment. Life without parole (LWOP) is permanent removal from society with no chance of reentry, no hope of freedom. About 79 percent of the 3,278 prisoners serving life without parole were sentenced to die in prison for nonviolent drug crimes.

KevinLancasterify | The video cites the American nuclear radiation expert Jay M. Gould as saying in his 1996 book titled "The Enemy Within: the High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors" that the British royal family, especially the Queen herself, privately own investments in uranium holding worth some £4 billion through Rio Tinto Zinc.

SchoolSucksPodcast | A series of short videos based on John Taylor Gatto's book, The Underground History of American Education.

MarkStoval | Murray Rothbard once observed that the first truth to be discovered about human action is the simple fact that human action can be undertaken only by an individual human actor. Only humans have human ends and preform acts to obtain those ends. If the truth is that only individual humans can act purposely to attempt to accomplish their goals, then we must ask if there is anything that a group of two men or more may morally do that would be immoral for them to do individually. After all, this observation means that nations, states, collectives, churches or other groups do not act, but rather these are abstractions that are shorthand for the individual humans that form the group and it is the individual humans in the group that do act.