NotBeingGoverned.com | An idiot is someone who stubbornly refuses to change their ways even after repeatedly having been proven wrong. Not presented by a counter-argument, which is often mistaken for being proven wrong, not being “exposed as evil”, which is, to a large extent, a subjective matter, but objectively proven wrong according to their own system of values.

Gary Turk | Look Up, in a world where we continue to find ways to make it easier for us to connect with one another, but always seem to result in us spending more time alone.

VisionLiberty | Have you heard about Common Core? The chilling truth behind these new national educational "standards" will terrify you. Common Core represents the latest and most comprehensive step in the drive toward complete government control of our children's education. Join us for a special presentation exposing the truth about Common Core and the ongoing struggle to roll back its implementation. Our speaker will provide examples of how Common Core threatens to further undermine, weaken, and centralize public and private education in our country.

ZeroGov.com | The Constitution simply guaranteed the “peculiar institution” in the US and the addition of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850 weaponized the Federal government’s ability to maintain the institution of chattel slavery. The post-war amendments abandoning slavery were nice window-dressing but simply drove the overt impulse to chattel ownership underground into a more under-handed and devious form of slavery to make the proceeds from servitude more palatable to the masses and the twentieth century would provide the progressives and collectivists with the tools they would need to make slavery more profitable for the rulers than they ever imagined.

We are born to truth, yet everywhere we are enmeshed in error. Superstition, irrationality and patriotism all work to cripple our natural affinities to rationality and empiricism. This book examines and explodes all the propaganda that stands between you and the simple truth of life, the universe and everything. All the truths that you were born with, that was scrubbed out of your mind for the profit and fun of your elders, will be reawakened in this short but powerful book. Begin the process of reclaiming your own reason, pick up this book, hold on for the ride, and arrive at the truth.