DemandEuphoria | School - It's like someone hands you a train schedule when you are five years old, and it details the plan for every day of the next thirteen to seventeen years of your life. The stops are laid out, the timetable is set. There is only one set of tracks for your school train.

LibertyOrDeathMedia | The cult of Statism

CNJOnline.com | It is said no man is an island. This seems undeniable, yet libertarians are frequently accused of believing individuals are islands. As if we see humans as isolated and alone, unable to join with others to fix problems that are beyond one person’s ability, unless they form that most persistent of Utopian ideas: a government. People coming together in a completely voluntary and consensual manner, to accomplish something they are in unanimous agreement on, is a wonderful thing to be a part of.

CNJOnline.com | Contrary to what many seem to believe, libertarians are not against rules. In fact, they are defined by adherence to one rule in particular: the zero aggression principle.

NotBeingGoverned.com | The biggest problem with socialism- aside from its exploitable inefficiency- is that a third party decides what happens to someone’s money. The simple fact of having money is apparently enough to be worthy of derision in America, a derision which drives most arguments involving income inequality. People who talk about rich people changing their behavior to better treat those who are less fortunate tend to miss the point: no one, however rich or poor, is obligated to do anything for anyone.