OutsideTheRealityMachine | Whether he is sitting on top of a mountain of his own imagination or swimming in the depths of undersea caverns of his own invented time, he proliferates. He builds space and time and then sometimes destroys them. He takes pieces of rubble and assembles them into new entities.

LewRockwell.com | Many ascribe to government the unique and exalted right to overrule and therefore to undermine the independent authority of all individuals and of all secondary institutions; of creating and enforcing new law; even of decreeing life and death at the whim of the current leader.

IndependentInstitute | Love Gov is the story of an independent, fun-loving, young woman, Alexis, and her boyfriend, Scott "Gov" Govinski, who is always there to help. Always.

Liberty.me | Initiatory aggression carried out by the few (the tyrants) and legitimized by the masses. The state is created by the herd mindset, a mindset in which we legitimize the aggression carried out by our in-group elites justified by our fear, confusion, and submission, created by their lies. The state is NOT limited to the government of a nation. Mafias equipped with established protection rackets act as states just the same, featuring tyrants who go door-to-door collecting “protection fees,” and tyranny when you deny the mafia of the fees or the consent to provide its services. Understanding the state in this way is especially important; if we are to wholly oppose statehood, identically we must wholly oppose the everyday tyrants who assert dominance and make statehood possible.

TheConsciousResistance.com | Nobody likes to be pushed around, to be attacked, to be bullied, yet far too often no one bothers to find the root cause. Instead, “anti-bullying” laws are put into place and the PC Police go out in full force. Yet words on paper and saying “that’s offensive” doesn’t really solve the problem. If doing so doesn’t actually solve bullying, what does? In order to find out, one must first look to find the root cause: authoritarian parenting.