FredOnEverything.net | Do I think that the press should publish such photos? Not yes but hell yes on afterburner. Every time an editor covers for the Pentagon, every time papers refuse to show the charred bodies still…slowly…moving, the dead children, the…never mind. The effect is to ensure that more kids will die the same way. And the press almost always does exactly this. We are a trade of whores and shills. Except that whores give value for money. The press kills our children.

BackwoodsHome.com | There are three fundamentally subversive things an Ordinary American Outlaw can do to increase freedom while going about daily life. Two can be dangerous to your well-being. The third is overwhelmingly rewarding and hardly hazardous at all.

Voluntaryist.com | Here are some ruminations sparked by an article in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL on July 29, 2009, page A13. It was written by Theodore Dalrymple, the pen name for Dr. Anthony Daniels. The article was titled "Is There a 'Right' to Health Care?" and prompted a parallel question in mind: Is there a right to government (protection)? In other words, "Where does the right to government (protection) come from?" Below is a letter I sent to Dr. Daniels.

Xenomorph911WTC | Compilation of footage taken from many different angles showing the demolition of WTC7.

MarcStevens.net | Standing is the same wherever you go, the important elements are (1) the violation of a right, a legal injury; and (2) damage. The only “authority” one should need is to look at the Declaration of Independence for the only reason for the establishment of an American government: