Studies indicate that firearms are used over two million times a year for personal protection, and that the presence of a firearm, without a shot being fired, prevents crime in many instances. Shooting usually can be justified only where crime constitutes an immediate imminent threat to life limb or in some cases property.

FlexYourRights | Created by Flex Your Rights and narrated by retired ACLU director Ira Glasser, BUSTED realistically depicts the pressure and confusion of common police encounters. In an entertaining and revealing manner, BUSTED illustrates the right and wrong ways to handle common police encounters and pays special attention to demonstrating how you, the viewer, can confidently protect your rights and yourself.

TheSunMagazine.org | Laments about our schools are nothing new; everyone is an expert, it seems, when it comes to education. While most critics point to the lack of funding or the shortage of teachers, John Taylor Gatto insists the problem goes deeper; we’ve turned our schools, he says, into “torture chambers.”

FreedomsPhoenix.com | It shouldn't surprise anyone that people in positions of power will try to hold onto that power, and will use whatever arguments they can think of--however irrational or immoral--to try to justify the power they have. What's really sad--downright pathetic, actually--is when the powerless people vehemently argue why they should be powerless, oppressed, robbed, and otherwise controlled. Unfortunately, it happens all the time.

AmericanDissent | This was written by an ex-cop, what follows is a very honest, insightful and terrifying message as he touches on the police perspective and the militarization of the police (which was largely excused as necessary by the War on Drugs).