LarkenRose | In the past, I spent lots of money and lots of time supporting this or that candidate, advocating for or against this or that legislation, as a lot of "political activists" have done, and continue to do. Looking back, I now not only realize that it was a total waste of time trying to beg "the system" for freedom, but I realize that it was WORSE than if I had done nothing at all. By bickering over who should be my new master, or whining to the masters to please do what I wanted (they didn't), I was only reinforcing the notion that "the system" is legitimate--that I should HAVE a master, and that I have some obligation to do what he tells me to do.

SzandorBlestman | I’ve never had a job where I’ve earned that much money. I’ve always been on the edge, working full time, paycheck to paycheck, and hardly able to survive. In fact, most of my life I haven’t been able to make ends meet with one job. I’ve always had to take on side work. Whether it was from taking on too much debt or having too many kids doesn’t really matter. The times I’ve been able to get ahead while working only a full time job have been few and far between. I suppose that’s probably true for most people. Yet, I’ve been more fortunate than many in that when I couldn’t find anything else my mother always had work for me to do. From accounting to computer programming to gardening, she would always find extra work for me when I needed it. She was also quite good at getting tax money back for me using the government’s own rules.

SherryPeelJackson.com | If the United States Government could lure 399 black men in Tuskegee Alabama into a syphilis study and use them as human guinea pigs for 40 years and deny them penicillin when it was found effective for curing the disease.

FreeTalkLive.com | FreeTalkLive interviews Momma Ally about her courageous choice to operate her business regardless of the monopolizing gang which threatens her because she refuses to pay their extortionist protection fees. Momma Ally from Savannah LastBiscuit tells us about her heroic underground food delivery business!

FFF.org | A statement by a Chinese woman in response to the Chinese government’s censorship of Google reveals the statist mindset perfectly, both in China and here in the United States. Here is what she said: “The government should give people the right to see what they want online.”