FFF.org | The moral issue is this: Why shouldn’t poor, inner-city, black teenagers have the unfettered right to freely compete against well-to-do white teenagers (and adults) by offering to work in any business or enterprise at any wage they’re willing to work for, even if it is less than the mandated minimum?

Power To Speak | Government (all governments) resembles nothing so much as a legalized Mafia that claims a monopoly over the use of initiatory violence, usually over a specific geographic area (but sometimes outside it — see U.S. government) in order to extract protection money (i.e., taxes) to fund its operations.

FreeKeene.com | If you want the government people to leave you alone you have to stop obeying them. This is a tough thing to do, and it's silly to just jump in the deep end of noncooperation, so saying NO to the census people is a good starter disobedience. Have your video camera or audio recorder handy, and don't be rude or mean. These people are mostly just folks looking for some work; they aren't the government's aggressors. They probably don't realize the money for their checks comes from coercion and fraud.

AngryHateMusic | ter·ror·ism [ter-uh-riz-uhm] the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce.