LarkenRose.com | Sometimes it can be difficult deciding how to state the bleeding obvious, when your target audience has been carefully trained to MISS the bleeding obvious. To wit, it's possible to demolish the fundamental assumptions underlying statism using very simple lines of reasoning. And for the recovering statist, the logic is undeniable, and the rational conclusion self-evident. But for the thoroughly indoctrinated (and that included me not many years ago), sometimes the most simple explanation causes the most drastic cognitive dissonance.

Strike-The-Root | Freeman finds himself within the borders claimed by a government. This human being decides he does not want to participate in the government organization anymore, so he quits. He then finds a nice plot of "public" property and claims it as his own. He is quickly confronted with a government participant named Citizen, who informs him that the land belongs to the government, and he is trespassing.

C4SS.org | The real reason this institutionalized slavery exists is fundamentally inherent to the nature of governments themselves. All of them. Democracies, dictatorships, republics, you name it. In order to exist in the first place, governments must steal the earnings of others by force (or by the very real threat of it) in order to finance all the police, guards, soldiers and other agents of the State who work for it. It must also, in addition to providing loot and weapons to its employees in order to insure loyalty, convince them — at least to a certain degree — that what they are doing and defending is both noble and necessary. That without such enforcers as themselves, the world as they know it will descend into butchery, rioting, bloodshed, and chaos. As if governments themselves are not both directly and indirectly responsible for inciting such behaviors on a far greater and more destructive scale than any other groups of individuals.

CopBlock.org | Find a police officer out in public and ask them what the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution is. After that, ask them about the 6th. Just for kicks, ask them how many rights the 1st Amendment restricts the government from infringing on.

DickSimkanin.com | Simkanin stood up for America, for all American workers and for all American Business owners when he decided in 2000 that his company was no longer going to participate in the withholding racquet alledged forced and demanded by law from Congress. Dick had spent 6 years researching American history and foundational principles. Ultimately he was spiritually convicted that he had no business being an unpaid bookkeeper for the Federal government, therefore, he had to give his workers 100% of their pay. How American of him! Thank God for Dicks' courage as it has cost him everything.