MarcStevens | Here's another call to a tax agent, this time with the IRS. Once again, an agent refuses to answer a simple evidentiary question. If there was evidence people were taxpayers (evidence, not tired political accusations) then the tax terrocrats would be happy to provide it. Of course, it's all a lie and that's why they don't answer the questions. There is no getting away from the truth - taxation is theft.

LibertyOnTour | A pit-bull of an officer approaches Adam for no reason with seemingly harmful intent. Unless you believe that a camera is a wreck-less race car or deadly weapon. The officer later attempts to excuse his behavior as non-aggressive because he didn't actually punch Adam, he was only trying to "intimidate ya".

Fr33Agents.com | We are told at a young age that we should be seen and not heard. It is constantly, and even worse, surreptitiously thrust into the innermost depths of our skulls that all of us should just sit down, shut up and just take it. We supposedly don’t matter to those obsessed with control over others, who feel that they may become big, by giving their victims the notion that they are all so very small.

FreeKeene.com | I was at the attorney genital’s office to support Ivy Walker in her hearing for “practicing law without a license”, but they would only let one other person into the hearing. I had questions, so Dick Tracy (really!) was sent to speak to me, but decided against it when he saw my camera. He then came out again several moments later only to repeat his earlier actions.

MarcStevens.net | The government hoax is probably the oldest, most pervasive and stubborn of hoaxes. It’s the belief in non-existent "states" and "nations" and that "government" is both legitimate and necessary. In the geographic area of the North American continent commonly referred to as the "United States," it’s claimed only "government" can provide the service of protecting "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." This is nonsense if only for the reason "government" has no duty to protect anyone and their property.