DarkMatter2525 | A freehand drawing of a video frame.

MarcStevens | The PR, the excuse for government, a so-called "necessary evil", is "to protect and maintain individual rights." How many politicians need to tell you this is a lie before you start believing it? It's in every government code (see sec. 845, this is only one example), every supreme court has held this and many politicians and bureaucrats have publicly said it and yet people continue paying these criminals. Why don't people see the contradiction? What has to happen before people stop paying for protection that isn't being provided and admittedly can't be provided?

BrassCheckTV | Protest but protest non-violently. Because violence begets violence. If you run around wild you get smacked, and that's it you know. The only thing they don't know about is non-violence, and humor. You can't blame it on the government, saying they put us there they put us into war. We put them there, we allow it, we can change it, if we really want to.

GonzoTimes | Coercive retaliation is the nature of the state. It is used to force human beings into submission. The state is not the only institution that uses this tactic. The tactic of coercive retaliation should be opposed on all levels from a level of abuse between two individuals to the level of a state against the individual.

DavidChandler911 | There is ample evidence, from both witnesses and recordings, of explosions associated with the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7). NIST sidestepped investigating explosions and explosives by setting up an artificially high threshold of interest. They swept aside any testimony or recordings of explosions that would not register 130-140 dB one kilometer away. They established this criterion using RDX (one of the loudest explosives) in a scenario that produced a far higher sound level than other possible uses of explosives to bring down the building. Then they turned around and used sound level as the sole criterion for deciding whether the use of explosives was a credible hypothesis. By this maneuver, they sidestepped investigating the testimony of explosives or possible evidence of explosive residues. This is just one more instance of fraudulent behavior on the part of the NIST investigation of the World Trade Center disaster.