GonzoTimes | It is easy to point to some empire in a distant past that may have erected a potemkin village to give a false impression that it was more than it truly was. What many fail to see is the false world we have constructed in our society to hide reality. It was done in our media, government and infused in our language and day to day life. Middle America sits in their little suburban living rooms being belted with T.V. messages that so subtly mask the reality of what is. The six o’clock news tells us of the dangers of the brown man. There is the brown Muslim who wants to terrorize us. There is the brown migrant who is ‘illegal’. There is the brown inner-city criminal. All these brown men we must fear.

What suspects had done was to answer a local newspaper ad calling for volunteers in a study of the psychological effects of prison life. We wanted to see what the psychological effects were of becoming a prisoner or prison guard. To do this, we decided to set up a simulated prison and then carefully note the effects of this institution on the behavior of all those within its walls.

MarcStevens.net | Another great example showing tax agents have no factual support for their accusations. You will hear evasion after evasion from this IRS attorney and remember: this is an IRS attorney, not an IRS agent. This woman holds a doctorate degree, so it's reasonable to presume she knows more about taxation than the average IRS agent, or she's an expert on the interpretation and application of tax law than IRS agents.

LarkenRose.com | So, the people are upset at what "government" is doing. The people are outraged, fit to be tied. This time, "government" has gone too far! This time it's serious! And the people are hopping mad! They're not going to take it anymore! The people are demanding change!

samselikoff | This short video explains one of the most persistent economic fallacies of our day.