Strike-The-Root | Have you ever wondered what freedom would look like? The big picture, I mean; not just like what it would be like to smoke some pot without being beat up by thugs.

Voluntaryist.com | Each individual is responsible for his own well-being. He feeds and clothes himself. Some do it better than others, but with the exception of the physically and mentally handicapped, there is no question of the individual's obligation. Even in the case of the handicapped, he must care for himself to the extent he is able. Failure to allow him to do so to the limit of his capacity leads very often to a frustrated, sick man, ill in ways more serious than the infirmity itself.

CAFR1.com | The irony of it all is billions are spent preparing, hundreds are interviewed in every venue to pick the parties that prepare and oversee. All of the inside players covet as if their own little black book of proverbial Swiss accounts. The longer the representatives are in, the more that are initiated into the club of selective disclosure and ability to influence the inside movement of the wealth. The very sad thing is that when the outsiders from the population get a clue of the forest they all are walking through daily, they as sheep have been sheered so many times that when they encroach upon the frigged air that the ruthless money hoards have amassed retreat to the shelter of conditioned subservience propagandized syndicated media where they may find the only familiar warmth they have ever known.

C4SS.org | The prospect of state collapse brings forth worries about a “power vacuum,” an unrestrained state of nature where chaos rules until the strong take over. But chaotic conflict is produced by efforts to seize power and exert power over other people. It is not the rejection of rulership, but the struggle to achieve rulership, that creates deadly conflict. The negation of authority, as advocated by anarchists, does not necessitate the chaotic mess associated with the phrase “power vacuum.”

AngryHateMusic | Life is best lived with one hand on your heart, and one foot in the grave.