InformationLiberation.com | While we were students of the state education apparatus, how many of us had to write research papers where we were asked to "change the world"?

PeaceFreedomProsperity.com | The reason is simple: We are a governed people. Those who govern are put in power by people who want something they cannot obtain themselves. This means that those who govern have to find a means that those who elected them could not, and to do this, a lot cheating and lying is involved. After all, how can one give money and favors to those who elected them when they do not use their own? Because the taxes required to meet these demands would be so high it would start a revolution within months, debt is used. Who buys and manages the debt? The top 3 percent of course (i.e. – government, power brokers etc).

John Taylor Gatto discusses compulsory schooling and what he characterizes as the hegemonic nature of discourse on education and the education professions.