CorbettReport.com | Every year, a greater and greater percentage of our food supply sources back to genetically modified ingredients. Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, DuPont and the other biotech giants have made GMOs into a multi-billion dollar industry and unsurprisingly have launched one of the largest PR campaigns in the history of the food industry to convince the public that their products are safe, healthy and beneficial. Let's examine five of the main claims of this PR campaign and see how they stack up to reality.

RedPillRecording | Ever wish we could get a little blunt honesty from the narcissistic megalomaniacs trying to rule the world?

LarkenRose | Here is Josie Harris reading a letter from a prisoner of Guantanamo Bay, along with a "visual aide" by Mos Def, doing a real-life demonstration of the force-feeding practices that are being imposed, right now, on people who have never been charged with any crime.

AngryHateMusic | Doesn't all this government spying on it's citizens mean losing our basic freedoms? Of course not, it means gaining limits on those freedoms. Something Uncle Sam likes to call "Freedom-Plus".

Everything-Voluntary.com | An important part of revolution is thinking for oneself and diversifying sources of information and education. Defiance and creativity go hand-in-hand. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said over and over, the world is in dire need of an "International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment." Much of education today focuses on obedience skills rather than critical thinking skills. This is because if you teach a child true critical thinking skills, you potentially create a problem for the system, because the system is profoundly nonsensical, and the child is likely to challenge or reject the system. Young adult students possessing true critical thinking skills are unmanageable, and therefore undesirable to many schools.