Thunderbolts.info | Is it possible that the foundational assumptions of the theoretical sciences all express a common misunderstanding? From cosmology, the "queen of the sciences," a core dogma of the 20th century filtered down through every discipline, constraining our ideas about galaxy and star formation and ultimately (from the same underlying assumptions) all of the space sciences, infecting our views of earth history and even our sense of what it means to be human. The core dogma was the idea that gravity alone, seen through the lens of general relativity, rules the cosmos.

DailyAnarchist.com | Voting is the shameful irony of asking our masters for permission to be free. We cannot achieve freedom through pleasant niceties and formalities. We must reject this disgusting charade and replace it with endeavors that will educate us, and make us stronger. Every minute spent voting is a minute lost from the productive areas of our lives. Every minute spent debating and discussing politics, or the ethics of the activities of our masters is a minute utterly wasted and stolen from us as maliciously as our money is tangibly stolen from us through taxation, or intangibly stolen from us through inflation.

Everything-Voluntary.com | People often talk about making a sacrifice for others, or subsuming their individuality to an external cause, as a positive. But what they are doing is choosing to behave in a certain way. Others will refer to sacrifice as something positive expected of others -- commanders will say that they had to sacrifice so many soldiers for a tactic or a strategy, idolators will say that they expect others to commit themselves entirely to the idol. Sacrifice is a total nullification of an individual life, perhaps for a "noble" cause. But who is to say? A nullification is not a zero sum, it is a minus 1, and a minus of all unforeseen consequences of that 1. Would one seek to nullify an act of the state, if the result was a zero sum? Sacrifice is never a plus, never a conservation of the status quo, it is always a subtraction of the entirety of the sacrificed beings or objects, including their future.

Strike-The-Root.com | "[W]e are living in a sick society filled with people who would not directly steal from their neighbors but who are willing to demand that the government do it for them." ~ William Comer

SchoolSucksPodcast | "Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people, who tend to have lower incomes. In this case, more education increases the threat to sustainability." - The Education for Sustainable Development ToolKit website at esdtoolkit.org