Bastiat.Mises.org | Graduation ceremonies mostly exist to stroke the egos of the faculty members and give the institution itself a pat on the back while simultaneously attempting to convert the new alumni into donors. But the most absurd aspect of the graduation ceremony is the commencement speech. This, we are told, is some sort of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear an advocate for mass murder like Condoleeza Rice, or a lawless oligarch like Christine Lagarde, lecture new graduates about “giving back” to the community, or being yourself, or following your dreams.

C4SS.org | Memorial Day in the United States is a time for absentminded, almost spontaneous, flag-waving and military worship; a time when yellow ribbons become ubiquitous and the mantra “support the troops” enjoys renewed life. For those of us who are keenly critical of the United States, its foreign policy in particular, those accoutrements of Memorial Day are more than enough to induce the worst kinds of nausea and even heartache. My family and my close friends are aware that I don’t support the troops. For many of them, that makes me weird and suspect, even arousing their anger and frustration. Given that my position is based on carefully reasoned principles, and not just callow contrarianism, I will attempt to explain it, so that it might be examined anew.

AngryHateMusic | The following views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the prevailing order who prostrate to their naked kings.

CorbettReport.com | A whirlwind tour of false flag history, from the Gleiwitz incident and the Lavon affair to Operation Northwoods and 9/11.

Strike-The-Root.com | All three of the locations I mentioned--local, state, and federal--are occupied by people who believe that it is quite proper for them to involve themselves in my affairs. They do this by writing down what they want, which, according to my law dictionary, makes what they want the “law.” They want me to wear my seatbelt in the car, and put a “license plate” on the bumper, they want me not to smoke almost everywhere, and they want my money--although I’ve never been able to figure how, if it’s MY money, they can claim a greater right to it than my own by simply by writing down that they want it.