NaturalNews.com | Intelligent questions -- which the vaccine industry characterizes as "dangerous" -- are the greatest threat to the vaccine delusions still being played out across the world today, which is precisely why such questions are not allowed to be asked. Those daring to ask such questions are now being threatened with mass arrest and imprisonment -- that's how vulnerable the fraudulent vaccine industry has now become. It can be brought down by mere words if only those words are allowed to be circulated.

KentForLiberty.com | I am disappointed when someone who knows better does wrong. I put no one on a pedestal, so any individual's actions don't pull the rug out from under me. But I am still disappointed.

AntiWar.com | Why does foreign interventionism retain such a firm grip on US political discourse? The flood of editorials advocating "DO SOMETHING" is unending, with almost everyone holding "something is better than nothing" as an implicit axiom. Every talking head has a plan, some surefire positive government intervention that can improve something at home and overseas. How often do any of them say that there is nothing to be done? That the only thing to do is withdraw and keep an eye on the horizon for roosting chickens?

FFF.org | In a country where people extol the virtues of free enterprise, why is the U.S. government involved in the delivery of mail? After all, it would be difficult to find a better example of a violation of the principles of free enterprise than the U.S. Postal Service.

NoMoreFakeNews.com | “We are pleased to be here today to discuss the use of humans in tests and experiments conducted for national security purposes by the Department of Defense (DOD) and other agencies between 1940 and 1974.”