KentForLiberty.com | On one hand, I have almost nothing in common with those around me. I can't even relate to the fears that drive so much of their reactionary and statist behavior. And, even when I can relate to those fears, I see their response to be, well, insane- leading to more of the very things they fear.

JonRappoport | Focus on the network evening news. This is where the staging is done well.

PeaceFreedomProsperity.com | Let’s pretend that the U.S. “government” didn’t fund ISIS… or create ISIS… or fabricate ISIS. Let’s pretend ISIS exists, and consists of angry, extremist, militant Muslims. They would still be people. I do NOT mean, “They’re probably nice guys!” I simply mean that, like all people, they function based on incentives and disincentives. They have motivations for what they do. They don’t just randomly do things for no reason. It may be BAD reasons, but there are still reasons.

PeaceFreedomProsperity.com | “The New Idol – Somewhere there are still peoples and herds, but not with us, my brothers: here there are states. A state? What is that? Well! open now your ears to me, for now I will speak to you about the death of peoples. State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters.

ZakSlayback.com | What do you mean, “are you worried they won’t be properly socialized?” You mean compared to kids who go to school? Kids who go to local public schools?*