Strike-The-Root.com | Why Your Right to Self-Ownership Includes the Right to Choose Your Own Dangers.

Strike-The-Root.com | “All right, here it is: I hereby unilaterally declare forever and hereafter that I will never use physical violence, fraud, or deception in order to control the life or property of anyone in this room. Is that clear?”

FreeKeene | Sam Dodson was jailed 58 days (more than half of those on hunger strike) for recording in a public place. Never swaying from his "right to remain silent" he was thrown out of jail without accepting or signing thier paperwork. His example has earned him renound popularity among freedom loving Americans, and a pair of brass balls. Thanks Sam!

CAFR1.com | Gee, it appears everyone recently is looking for an audit of the Federal Reserve to be done, why look or wait any longer, here it is! All you had to do was ask, they have provided one each year for the last 96 years.