Strike-The-Root.com | So it's not really ignorance alone; there is, at root, an ethical question at work, and it centers on the gross immorality of casting a vote. Yes, politicians are malevolent or stupid, most likely the former in my view, but everyone who votes for them is complicit, up to his neck, actively taking part in the most humongous act of armed robbery in the history of man. That is not "insurance"--a perfectly sound idea involving the voluntary sharing of the risk of heavy but unpredictable loss--this is theft, neither more nor less. That is the real, moral disease that has infected the core of this society and no amount of medical care is going to cure it. Read Entire Article

NewHampshireFreePress.com | These are typical instances. In the past six months there have been two deaths here that we are aware of. Medical and dental treatment here are non-existent, the staff here does nothing more than negligent observation. Such treatment would be prosecutable in the outside world as criminal negligence and malpractice, if not wrongful deaths.

NewHampshireFreePress.com | The free market is a naturally occurring phenomenon that can't be eliminated by governments, not even totalitarian ones like the former Soviet Union. It can be regulated, over-taxed and manipulated until it is driven underground. Lately it has been wrongly accused of doing so many things it just doesn't do, that are really the fault of crony corporatism and convoluted government policies that brought on the crisis. Too many people equate the free market with big business doing whatever it wants, but that is not the free market. Unconstitutional taxpayer funded bailouts are what allow giant corporations to run roughshod over the economy. The free market is what puts them out of business when they misbehave.

DavidChandler911 | This view of the destruction of the South Tower of the World Trade Center displays a remarkable number of features that support the interpretation that it was destroyed by explosives.

ShowEdTheLaw | One must inquire why the government just didn't just show the law that made Ed and Elaine Brown liable for the voluntary income tax to avoid the expense and danger of a standoff. I say "voluntary" because the IRS's own literature informs you the income tax is based on voluntary compliance. No bureaucrat will ever assess your income; you do it yourself, voluntarily, waiving your Fifth Amendment right when you sign that 1040.