MoreLibertyNow.com | Eminent domain is not reasonable. Eminent domain is a twenty-five cent word for stealing. Eminent domain is what the current governmental clique calls it when they take without permission from a fellow human being. I don’t know about the commissioners, but I learned in kindergarten to ask before taking. Didn’t you?

A US Citizen's journey of discovery into the lies, oppression, and corruption that has invaded her country since 9/11.

FFF.org | First, welfare recipients are strongly deterred from working by the high implicit tax rates they face on income they earn. Browning walks us through a typical case, a single mother with children who lives in Pennsylvania. She is eligible for welfare benefits under various programs that amount to $19,217. What if the woman finds a job and earns some money? Suppose she lands a part-time job and earns $5,000 during the year. Is she $5,000 better off? No — after factoring in the reductions in her benefits due to her earnings, she ends up with disposable income of $18,253. The part-time job actually makes her worse off. Browning proceeds to show that she would need to get a job paying $30,000 per year before she would end up financially better off than not working and living entirely at the expense of taxpayers. Even at that, her gain is less than $700 for all the trouble of working.

91177info | Filmed at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccinations (sponsored by the Nat'l Vaccine Information Center) in October, 2009, listen to what these health professionals have to say!

Telegraph.co.uk | Scientists based at the Cork Cancer Research Centre in Ireland treated oesophageal cancer cells with curcumin – a chemical found in the curry spice tumeric. They found that curcumin started to kill cancer cells within 24 hours. The cells also began to digest themselves, according to the research, published in the British Journal of Cancer.