Top | The hypocrisy these days is sickening, not from the politicians; we all know they’re a bunch of criminals who couldn’t care less about their victims. No, I’m speaking of the rank hypocrisy from the victims – republicans and democrats alike. The attention on government health care is as unrelenting as the hypocrisy. | Keene City Manager John MacLean discusses the city's policy on government employees committing crimes in the line of duty. Apparently video proof isn't enough to overrule the word of bureaucrats. | Traditionally, though with some exceptions, governments have recognized a distinction between public and private life. The earliest civil laws governed interactions between individuals that could result in material or physical harm. The totalitarian state, on the other hand, seeks to extend its authority not just over the public actions of a person, but to his or her own private associations, family life, and possessions as well. The individual interest thereby dissolves into the public interest, or in the words of radical leftist Carol Hanisch, “the personal is political.” Ultimately, the totalitarian goal is not just legal control over our actions, but our thoughts as well. | Ever wonder how politicians like Harry Reid can say, with a straight face, that the United States income tax is a “voluntary” tax? Here is a video of Mr. Reid explaining how the US tax system is voluntary. Mr. Reid is no dummy. He knows what he is talking about. He is speaking the truth. He is just not telling the whole truth. The whole truth, which Mr. Reid will not share with us plebes, is there that the US income tax system is a voluntary system, but it begins with employers “voluntarily,” under the threat of draconian federal fines and imprisonment, saying false things about their employees. If you are an employer and refuse to lie about your employee to the IRS , you could be imprisoned. That is how voluntary it is.

EdNraleigh | Beth Wood is the North Carolina State Auditor. She and her staff answered some of my questions about the balances in the North Carolina Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

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