Voluntaryist.com | I am one of the tens of millions of Americans who don't file tax returns or voluntarily pay taxes. I'm writing this letter to explain something that you and your readers may not be aware of. The reasons for not filing tax returns or voluntarily paying taxes, and not voting, are similar.

TPOCS | Recorded in 1985 a former KGB agent who was trained in subversion techniques explains 4 basic steps to socially engineering entire generations into thinking and behaving the way those in power want them to.

CAFR1.com | 1. ENRON promoted their profit and hid their debt. Government on the other hand promotes their debt and hides their profit. The reason being is that as government promotes their debt to the public at the front door, and through the back door they are using their own investment funds to fund their own debt and thus locking in the public for repayment to guarantee a substantial profit.

FFF.org | Financial assistance coming from government — at any level — comes from taxes or from borrowed money. Taxation, as it is presently applied in the United States, is morally repugnant to me.

FreedomInOurTime | We are invited to believe that these killings were particularly outrageous because a criminal had lifted his unhallowed hand to strike down four sanctified personages who wore the insignia of state authority. The same assumption can be seen in the concentrated fury with which police and prosecutors focus their attention on "cop killers," as if people in that profession are innately more important or more valuable than murder victims from other walks of life.