MoreLibertyNow.com | An arrangement for the resolution of disputes that focuses on restitution is more effective than one that makes as its goal the punishment of offenders. Restitution compensates victims for their losses at the expense of their aggressors. This constitutes a powerful incentive against criminal action, since offenders will have to repay every bit of value they destroyed in order to continue in civilized society. Punishment, on the other hand, is simply vengeance. Not only does it not help victims, it actively puts them and others at greater risk by placing convicts in an overly harsh crime school that breeds resentment and further delinquency.

Ferguson1232005 | And then, you meet me and your whole world changes because, everything I say is everything you've ever wanted to hear so you drop your defenses, and you drop all your fears and you're so busy feeling good that you never question why things are going so well You wanna know why?

LewRockwell.com | Forced schooling was the medicine to bring the whole continental population into conformity with these plans so that it might be regarded as a "human resource" and managed as a "workforce." No more Ben Franklins or Tom Edisons could be allowed; they set a bad example. One way to manage this was to see to it that individuals were prevented from taking up their working lives until an advanced age when the ardor of youth and its insufferable self-confidence had cooled.

BlackMustacheCom | This animation is a meditation on the social and economic costs of marijuana prohibition.

C4SS.org | A license is defined as “the permission by competent authority to do an act which without such permission, would be illegal.” By obtaining a marriage license, a couple is begging for permission of the state to marry, which places both love and the church under the authority of government. While the state often condemns polygamists, it requires couples to marry a de facto third spouse — the government itself.