FreedomsPhoenix.com | Today, Social Security numbers are used all over the place, for all sorts of things, and not just by the parasites in "government." It's convenient and easy, so most people can't imagine why we shouldn't. It makes it so easy to keep track of everything, create huge data-bases, and so on. What could be wrong with that? If you have to announce your "government"-assigned number to get a driver's license, or open a bank account, who cares?

ChunkyMark | The Artist Taxi Driver.

LewRockwell.com | Ron Smith talks to Lew Rockwell until a federal employee intervenes.

TomWoods.com | These books, all relatively short and available online or for purchase, are an excellent starting point for an education in sound economics.

InformationLiberation.com | As his children were screaming in agony, Joughin pleaded with the cops to allow him and his family to leave and seek help. They responded by closing ranks and blocking the Joughin family's escape. They didn't relent until someone in "authority" gave them permission to set them free. The last thing Joughin and his traumatized family heard as they left the scene was the sadistic taunt hurled by one of the tax-devouring thugs who had assaulted the children with a chemical weapon.