MarcStevens.net | This is another example from a government, this time from someone acting as the IRS, admitting the law is not what dictates their actions. It’s their own policy that governs, even in contravention of their own “law”. It’s a pretty accurate generalization that violent people have no tolerance of “laws” or principals of right and wrong.

GrahampWright | An inquisitive alien visits the planet to check on our progress as a species, and gets into a conversation with the first person he meets.

GnosticMedia.com | Today we’ll be discussing what it means to believe in government. Is government real, or a figment of your collective, religious imagination? Does not voting mean that we’d be sitting around like a bunch of lazy couch potatoes doing nothing? Or, if we use critical thinking, is it really our first course of action to disempower the criminals whom we call politicians? Is voting the only way to effect change? Or is it in reality one of the least effective ways to effect change and gain freedom? And what does it mean to live in a democratic (or “mob-ruled”) society, anyway?

EverythingIsARemix | Remixing is a folk art but the techniques involved — collecting material, combining it, transforming it — are the same ones used at any level of creation. You could even say that everything is a remix.

CopBlock.org | Here is one blog that Richard wrote just before his kidnapping last year in June.