TragedyandHopeMag | A debate on the concept of "Is government, by its very nature, immoral?" featuring radio show host and author Stefan Molyneux and attorney Tom Willcutts.

Strike-The-Root.com | Humans have a strange inclination to build their fundamental political beliefs and institutions on a foundation of lies and fantasies. One would think something so important should have a better connection to reality! Some of these lies and fantasies are: democracy, the republic, representative government, constitutions, government "help," and even rights.

CopBlock.org | December 9, 1969 was the first significant deployment of the LAPD’s newly formed “Special weapons assault team (“SWAT”) in a four-hour confrontation with members of the Black Panthers. The Panthers eventually surrendered and by 1974 there was a general acceptance of SWAT as a resource for the city of Los Angeles.

EricPetersAutos.com | I’m going to say something that will undoubtedly cause me to lose some police officer friends. But I feel it needs to be said anyway. I’m willing to take the heat for it.

WestonMinot | Is "The Government" our lord and master?