LearnLiberty | Although many conflate capitalism and imperialism or think the two systems are closely connected, they are actually quite different, even at odds with one another. Capitalism is a system based on voluntary exchanges that benefit all of the parties involved. In contrast, imperialism is based on exploiting the poor through political power and military force. Prof. Stephen Davies shows that capitalism has been blamed through the years for a number of catastrophes—such as political corruption, exploitation of the poor, mass famines, and others—that were in fact a result of imperialism.

KentForLiberty.com | Cops are such crybabies. I am now expected to structure my life around the demands of these most broken, twisted, violent, and terrified individuals. When society is fashioned for the convenience of the police, you have a police state- even before the brutality reaches a crescendo.

Snordster | The printing press was at first mistaken for an engine of immortality by everybody except the Brothers Grimm.

Oak Norton | The use of emotional words instead of logic or reason to get what you want.

LarkenRose | This video is for all the people who like to say, "Sure, there are a few bad apples out there, but most cops are good guys!" Understanding how cops see the world--how they MUST see the world in order to remain cops--will show you why state mercenaries, however good their intentions may be, are always the enemy of true justice and freedom.