Flag.Blackened.net | OBJECTION #2: There will always be disputes between people. This is the nature of man. We need someone to arbitrate those disputes and peacefully and justly reach a settlement of them.

Flag.Blackened.net | OBJECTION #1: In a state of nature man lived in ruthless and uncontrolled competition with his neighbors. Government was formed to combat this destructive tendency, to bring order out of chaos, to provide the minimum order required for social stability.

NotBeingGoverned.com | Every human being is a unique individual. We each have different thoughts, different inspirations, different hair, eye and skin color. These differences should all be embraced as it shows that everyone is bringing a unique and enlightening perspective to the table for humanity. Sadly, those who seek to control us use these differences to put us against each other, and take the heat off of themselves. Throughout the history of imperialism our “leaders” have conditioned us to be frightened and hostile towards those who are not under their rule. That is because our rulers either wish to enslave these other people, or take their land and resources, or both.

KennySuitter | You should never agree to be interviewed by the police. They are there only to gather information to be used against you. If you had committed a crime, they would not hesitate to arrest you. Never talk to the police, simply tell them "I don't answer questions".

DailyAnarchist.com | This language is problematic to anarchists, no? Those little words “taxed” and “regulated” leave the law open to tampering, and the creation of more laws. The law does not decriminalize cannabis in any way; it’s simply re-categorizing criminality. Overturning the law that makes the substance illegal would be preferable, but let’s be real; the state won’t consider legalization of any kind unless it benefits the state apparatus. Decriminalizing cannabis provides no benefit for the state. That is why you see its boot licking cousin “legalization” instead. Legalization at the state level happens in stages once the bureaucrats figure out how they and their friends in certain industries can benefit from it. Read Entire Article