Libertarianism.org | The distinguished historian Bernard Bailyn, writing in 1960, argued that books on the history of American education had become “a form of initiation” for those in the teaching profession – a means to illustrate the purportedly glorious achievements of public schools. Such texts were “the patristic literature of a powerful academic ecclesia,” and the entire field “displayed the exaggeration of weakness and extravagance of emphasis that are the typical results of sustained inbreeding.”

NotBeingGoverned.com | One of the main arguments against a Stateless society is, “But how can you prevent monopolies from forming without government there to stop them?”

ThunderboltsProject | "Discovery lies in asking the big dangerous questions, not in confirming what we think we already know." - Tom Wilson

Anonymous | Once while waiting for a light to change I saw two deputies yank a non-combative woman out the car, they lifted her up to shoulder height and threw her to the ground so hard that her face was instantly a bloody mess, and then they proceeded to stomp on her. I was young, unarmed, and paralyzed by what was taking place. I did the only thing I felt I could do. I laid on my horn. Traffic at this busy major intersection froze. Then everyone else laid on their horns too. Once the deputies realized that they had an audience, the beating stopped. Shame on all of us that we all sat, scared shit-less watching and none of us got out to aid her. I learned much from that experience.

KentForLiberty.com | It's a matter of voluntary versus coercion.