RodSerling.com | This is the prior knowledge of the writer of those areas which are difficult to try to get through and so a writer will shy away from writing those things which he knows he's going to have trouble with on a sponsorial or an agency level. We practice it all the time. We just do not write those themes which we know are going to get into trouble.

CounterCurrentNews.com | How do you Americans as a people walk around head held high, knowing that every few months your country is committing a 9/11 size atrocity to other people. Imagine if the 9/11 terror attacks were happening in america every few months. Again and again, innocent people dying all around you. Your brothers and sisters. For no reason.

KentForLiberty.com | Back when I was fully immersed in Christianity (and believed it) I was always told "we" were being persecuted and oppressed. I didn't personally see it or feel it, but I was assured it was happening.

AE911Truth | What is WTC 7 and why is it a mystery?

KentForLiberty.com | People who almost "get it" bother me more than those who are completely clueless. They see some of the problems, yet don't see how their support of destructive laws and institutions actually ensures the problems will continue and get worse with time.