CAFR1.com | In 2003, the Washington State Government just on the state level had at least $20.28 billion in surpluses of the Taxpayers money it was not using. The following is "a" CAFR potential audit surplus for the State Government, Inc. of Washington from 2003.

Former Libertarian presidential candidate and filmmaker, Aaron Russo, argued that the American system has become fascistic and that there is no specific law that mandates paying taxes on labor. The IRS claims the 16th Amendment gave them the right to impose taxes, yet eight different Supreme Court decisions said you couldn't use an amendment to tax people, he reported. Further, Russo noted that Americans' tax contributions end up merely paying interest on the national debt rather than for actual infrastructure and services.

DistinctLiving | Am I Skeptical? Am I Cynical? Untrusting? You better fucking believe it!!! As far as I am concerned, EVERYONE in this world is Guilty of Ignorance, until he/she proves me wrong. The people of this world are mindless, spineless Zombies-dedicated to their own replication of more Zombies. So does it shock me when they make irresponsible comments and choices. NO. Why? Because they are not making an action. They are making a decision based upon the distractions that buzz around in their ears and field of visions--their television sets and newspapers--and those distractions congeal in their minds as original thoughts. They are agreeing with what the majority wants. It is a movement known as Majoritarianism. The majority cannot be wrong. It is dangerous, and it will one day lead to the destruction of the world.