Voluntaryist.com | To consent means to give permission. In other words, you are the one who grants authority. You are the one empowered. You are the one who gives the power. Are you with me so far? Good! What am I getting at? This: when Thomas Jefferson and others drafted the Declaration of Independence after stating our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it was recorded, "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

NewHampshireFreePress.com | Did you know that when you are a juror, you have the right to judge not only the facts of the case, but the law itself? This is what is known as jury nullification, that is, a law can be nullified by a jury. Lysander Spooner wrote in Trial by Jury:

DeadCultChair | The Department of Homeland Security encourages everyone ages 18-25 to suit up in their future faceless uniforms and get involved with their community. Help us rid the streets of all the domestic terrorists plotting and scheming to destroy our freedoms. Don't Break the Law. Become it!

Robert-Arthur:Menard gives a seminar on The Illusion of the Person, what Words in Law mean, Consent, Acceptance, Honor & Dishonour, Bills of Exchange, and more! Highly relevant information about just how The Powers That Be govern over us, and what we can do about.

In Atlas Shrugged, the hero, John Galt, makes a radio speech to the nation revealing the strike of the producers and explaining its rationale. The speech resolves the philosophical mystery of the plot: Why are the most productive people leaving their work and disappearing from society?