HarryBrowne.org | Once upon a time, before the 1960s, a person who needed help got it by appealing to a local charity (such as the Salvation Army) or to the town government. The downtrodden individual had to explain how he got into trouble and how he intended to work his way out of it. He was monitored closely to assure that he was telling the truth and that he stuck to his plan to get back on his feet. And he knew that the money he received came from the pockets of his neighbors. Federal welfare, however, requires nothing more ambitious, energetic, or embarrassing than filling out a form.

Sidewinder77 | One thing the gun does is it equalizes unequals. You can call the police if you want, and they'll get there, and they'll take a picture of your dead body. But they can't get there in time to save your life. The first line of defense, is you.

AngryHateMusic | I received their bill today. This is a more realistic description of their service; Pay for our "protection" or we will come to your house and put you in a cage. If you try to not be put in a cage we will FUCKING SHOOT YOU!!!