LewRockwell.com | Theft and slavery are crimes, even if sanctioned by the majority of the people! Theft of the government, by the government, and for the government is somehow accepted and rationalized by the population at large. Why does that majority agree with this theft?

SzandorBlestman | Let’s say, for instance, that we’re two kids in a schoolyard. You have a small bouncy ball that I want. Sure, I could try to knock you down and take it from you if I was a bigger and stronger kid than you, but we all know that’s not very nice. That’s not a very good way to make friends. Not too many people like a bully. It’s also not very good economics. I might be happy, but you’re not going to be. We’ll call this theft. I think it’s safe to say that it’s more or less universally accepted that theft is wrong and those who engage in such practices need to stopped, punished and taught that theft is not acceptable no matter how big and strong one is.

GeorgeDonnelly.com | For public relations purposes, talking about your rights is obsolete. It’s a right-wing authoritarian faux talking point. It’s simply tedious – and often a non sequitur – to say that you’re doing something because it’s your right. Nor does it resonate with anyone who doesn’t already agree with you. Let’s shift the paradigm. Let’s spark some thought by talking about our actions in terms of responsibilities, instead of rights.

Wasaka2 | Mike Rivero has been the webmaster of What Really Happened.com since 1994 when it began as a sub-page on his business website asking pointed questions about the death of White House Deputy Council Vincent Foster. As more and more investigations revealed more government deceptions, the page grew in size and number and eventually moved to its own domain where it resides today.