LewRockwell.com | Permit me to digress into a discussion of the meaning of political consent and its withdrawal. I am not saying that the American people ever explicitly consented to be ruled by the regime on the Potomac, or that they are parties to some mysterious Social Contract that implies their consent. That is all utter nonsense and propaganda. I know I never consented to be ruled by a regime that I have strongly opposed since my teenage years. Nor have I ever signed a Social Contract allowing them to rule over me. I’d be a jackass if I had.

DarianWorden | The question of transportation infrastructure is often posed to those who reveal themselves to be anarchists. “Without government, how would roads be built?” One can give plenty of reasons and examples concerning why coercion is not needed to construct something in such high demand. But let’s start with “Without government, how could roads be worse?”

DavidDFriedman.com | My political views seem natural and obvious—to me. Others find them peculiar. Their peculiarity consists largely of carrying certain statements, familiar enough in political oratory, to their natural conclusions.

NoRightTurn | Stuff today reports on the cost of the government's expansion of the use of prison slave labour: people being forced out of business

RP4409 | I was actually shooting some footage for a documentary I was working on when all the sudden this pirate starts demanding papers. I was arrested for some 4 minutes wanting to know who I was and what I was doing...WTF