CopBlock.org | In Florida, we have the Baker Act. This means if someone with a badge considers you a danger to yourself or others you can be locked in a Mental Institution against your will for a 72 hour evaluation period before they decide what is in the best interest of “your” life. Most states have something similar, like California’s 5150.

JohnTaylorGatto.com | People love to work, but they must be convinced that work is a kind of curse, that they must arrange the maximum of leisure and labor-saving devices in their lives upon which belief many corporations depend; people love to invent solutions, to be resourceful, to make do with what they have, but resourcefulness and frugality are criminal behaviors to a mass production economy, such examples threaten to infect others with the same fatal sedition; similarly, people love to attach themselves to favored possessions, even to grow old and die with them, but such indulgence is dangerous lunacy in a machine economy whose costly tools are continually renewed by enormous borrowings; people like to stay put but must be convinced they lead pinched and barren existences without travel; people love to walk but the built world is now laid out so they have to drive. Worst of all are those who yearn for productive, independent livelihoods like the Amish have, and nearly all free Americans once had. If that vision spreads, a consumer economy is sunk. For all these and other reasons, the form of schooling we get is largely a kind of consumer and employee training. This isn’t just incidentally true. Common sense should tell you it’s necessarily so if the economy is to survive in any recognizable form.

TheBastardFairies | From the Documentary The Canary Effect Directed by Robin Davey and Yellow Thunder Woman.

FreeKeene.com | “Healing Our World” is eye-opening, mind-expanding, and persuasive – Dr. Mary Ruwart shows how force has dangerous unintended consequences, and how only by honoring our neighbor’s choices will we solve the world’s problems.