InformationLiberation.com | Even if an individual is never personally victimized by "law enforcement," never has a run-in with the police, and sees little if any direct impact by "government" upon his day-to-day life, the myth of "authority" still has a dramatic impact, not only on his own life but also on how his existence affects the world around him. For example, the millions of compliant subjects who feel an obligation to surrender a portion of what they earn to the state, to pay their "fair share" of "taxes," continually fund all manner of endeavors and activities which those people would not otherwise fund--which almost no one would otherwise fund, and which therefore would not otherwise exist. By way of "taxes," those claiming to be "government" confiscate an almost incomprehensible amount of time and effort from millions of victims and convert it into fuel for the agenda of the ruling class. To wit, millions of people who oppose war are compelled to fund it via "taxation." The product of their time and effort is used to make possible something they morally oppose.

Pitzer.edu | THE history of human growth and development is at the same time the history of the terrible struggle of every new idea heralding the approach of a brighter dawn. In its tenacious hold on tradition, the Old has never hesitated to make use of the foulest and cruelest means to stay the advent of the New, in whatever form or period the latter may have asserted itself. Nor need we retrace our steps into the distant past to realize the enormity of opposition, difficulties, and hardships placed in the path of every progressive idea. The rack, the thumbscrew, and the knout are still with us; so are the convict's garb and the social wrath, all conspiring against the spirit that is serenely marching on.

LarkenRose | Are you capable of objectively and honestly examining your own belief systems to see if you might accidentally be advocating something destructive? Unfortunately very few people are capable of that kind of self examination. Most people would literally rather kill or die than reconsider the assumptions they have always made, the beliefs they've always held, the ideas that they were brought up in.

LarkenRose | Are you so selfless that you're willing to surrender some of your freedoms for the sake of the common good? If so, the joke's on you.

Anarch.Me | Fewer guns may translate into less gun violence, but if I can’t possess a gun then the only gun violence that can occur in my world is gun violence against me. You know very well that gun laws do not prevent the bad guys from acquiring guns, because bad guys break laws. That’s why they’re the bad guys. Knowing they are armed, you recommend that I be unarmed? No thank you.