FreedomsPhoenix.com | Today, to escape the hectic stress of life for a moment, I took a stroll through the cemetery in the town where I grew up. I saw lots of names I knew, but the main thing I noticed was how many American flags were adorning grave sites, and how many gravestones mentioned that the deceased had either died in combat or served in the military. If I were a good, loyal, patriotic American, the sight would have filled me with nationalistic pride, and thankfulness for the soldiers' sacrifice. But it didn't. It filled me with sadness. There is no greater love than that shown by someone who lays down his life for his friends. But there is no greater tragedy than someone laying down his life for a lie. And that is exactly what every soldier, of every country, who dies in battle, does.

MarcStevens.net | I've mentioned this on the radio before, and I've finally gotten it posted. This is a very educational audio; it's a tax hearing from a few months ago with the Maryland Comptroller's office and you'll hear exactly why most tax agents/attorneys fight all attempts to question the agents who make assessments: the agents don't know what they're talking about. There's no evidence anyone owes taxes and this is another example from the agents themselves. We have another recent example from the US tax court where all discovery was denied, including disclosure of the name of the IRS agent who did the assessments. This is tantamount to not disclosing the name of a cop who wrote you a ticket.

Dom0nePhilosophy | Every one of us is spinning around on a rock... Trying desperately to understand our environments and give explanations for our existences in the best way we can. We should do so with honesty, empathy and humility. We should do so without threats of punishment to people that do not believe as we believe. We should do so in abundant awareness that any of our beliefs could be wrong, despite them being important to us. If your beliefs don't allow this possibility then perhaps they are not as wise and robust as you'd wish.

PrisonerHungerStrikeSolidarity | It is important for readers to understand the cruelty of the policy sanctioned by the state that allows the CDCR to place men/women under an indeterminate SHU program only on the word of a prison informer—where there is no offense, no violence, nor any gang or criminal activity. Yet prisoners who are held in indeterminate SHU are held, well, indefinitely—for the rest of their lives in SHUs and Adjustment Centers across the state, and even on Death Row if validated as a gang member.

Floonet.net | I came out of the Soviet Union no longer a communist, because I believed in personal freedom. Like all Americans, I took for granted the individual liberty to which I had been born. It seemed as necessary and as inevitable as the air I breathed; it seemed the natural element in which human beings lived.