GoodFightLads | Are you an Individual, or an easily managed and controlled follower of groups, political parties, ideology and "leaders"?

TokeOfTheTown.com | Have you ever wanted to go into a courtroom and honestly tell the judge and prosecutor what you think of their marijuana laws?" Walker asked on the Facebook page, "Dana Goes to Jail!"

AngryHateMusic | This speech was said to be given in Virginia by Willie Lynch in 1712. It was regarding control of slaves within the colony. Some believe the term “lynching” to be derived from his last name. Many historians conclude that it is a hoax and that this particular Willie Lynch never existed. It is an interesting read regardless.

ZeroGov.com | The Velvet Revolution of Czechoslovakia in 1989 under Vaclav Havel was not the first non-violent revolution and it will not be the last, the notable point with this revolution was the government it occurred against. Daily, individuals let me know that I am working against a system that cannot be beat except through use of force or worse. When I say worse I, of course mean voting and simply replacing one side of the coin with the other.

CopBlock.org | When Ademo and I walked into the Franklin County Jail in Greenfield, MA to bail out a friend last July I had no idea we’d be standing in front of a jury over a year later. But, such is the state of affairs today – when individuals who merely question requests voiced by someone wearing a badge are kidnapped, caged, and threatened with years in a cage and thousands in fines for allegedly engaging in actions that victimized none.